The Professional Couriers in Hanumanpet has a stronghold on domestic courier services as well as international. Their domestic services feature Express Service, Air Cargo, Surface Cargo, Logistic Solutions, Pick & Pack, Dawn to Dusk, Mass Mail, Ad & Add, RED ALERT Service, SURFING Channel and SPECIAL MESSENGER Service. Their international services on the other hand include Global Express and University Express. What also sets the company apart is its (POD) Proof of Deliveries service which allows for transparency and thus builds confidence.
Speciality: Courier Services Domestic Courier Services International Courier Services Cargo Services
Address: 14-4-4/4, Sambamurthy Road, Hanumanpet, Vijayawada – 520003, Backside government hospital
Landmark: Backside government hospital
Contact Person Name: The Professional Couriers
Contact Phone No: 9152595512
Contact Whatsapp No: Open Whatsapp
Contact Mail: not available
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